– Sean likes to keep things simple. Living the life of a gangster has been every inch of what he's abo..

Sean likes to keep things simple. Living the life of a gangster has been every inch of what he's about. As long as Sean stays 10 steps ahead of the IRA, he doesn't have to worry about his dark past catching up with him either. Up till now - life has been slick. He's right at the top of the business, has a tidy club as the front for his gang-crime and he answers to no-one...Well apart from his boss and uncle - Bill. All in all, things have been ticking along nicely. Unfortunately for Sean, however, life has other plans. When he falls for a gorgeous lady 'Ami' who frequents his club, Sean's life takes a turning point. Between his daily struggles with unruly drug-pushing cousin Dan; the increasing stresses from gang rivals 'The Dolans' (who forever challenge the O'Shea territory); and the unexpected secrets that surface from his past, Sean realizes he is out of sync with it all. Gang-life isn't what its all cut up to be and he just wants out.
30 Dec 2017
Sean likes to keep things simple. Living the life of a gangster has been every inch of what he's about. As long as Sean stays 10 steps ahead of the IRA, he doesn't have to worry about his dark past catching up with him either. Up till now - life has been slick. He's right at the top of the business, has a tidy club as the front for his gang-crime and he answers to no-one...Well apart from his boss and uncle - Bill. All in all, things have been ticking along nicely. Unfortunately for Sean, however, life has other plans. When he falls for a gorgeous lady 'Lucy' who frequents his club, Sean's life takes a turning point. Between his daily struggles with unruly drug-pushing cousin Dan; the increasing stresses from gang rivals 'The Dolans' (who forever challenge the O'Shea territory); and the unexpected secrets that surface from his past, Sean realizes he is out of sync with it all. Gang-life isn't what its all cut up to be and he just wants out.