Alex Is Lovesick
– This feature is one of the Israeli cinematography milestones. It displays the atmosphere of the late..

This feature is one of the Israeli cinematography milestones. It displays the atmosphere of the late Israeli 50s from the view of young boy Alex, just becoming 13. His mom is the classic "Polish Mother", his school friends are young hustlers dreaming of nude girls, his schoolmaster is a nervous Russian immigrant. The street speech is full of Polish, Russian, and Farsi slang, full of the small talk that had later entered the everyday speech. The soundtrack, which is quite remarkable, is built solely on the American music of the period. Everyone in the feature finds one's love and happiness.
Hebrew, Polish
The movie is a romantic comedy which takes place in Israel during the Austerity period of the 1950s. The movie's hero is Alex, a 13 year old boy who is about to attend his Bar Mitzvah. Alex has a typical Polish mother and father that suffers quietly. On account of the difficult economic situation they are compelled to share their apartment with a Persian tenant named Faruk that tries to fight his baldness by means of different creams. Alex falls in love with the new girl in his class, Mimi. Everything changes when his aunt Lola arrives in Israel from Poland to search for lost love. They were together when she lived in Poland but he vanished when Nazis conquered the country. Alex falls for his aunt and she on her part gives him more than just maternal love. The film describes in the exact form the ambiance that dominated the country in the 1950s, the Austerity in Israel in these days, the black markets, the radio broadcasts concentrating on the search for lost relatives, music of the 1950s, the clothes and dresses and forms of pastime