– Arabela was a children's television series produced in Czechoslovakia which aired from 1979 to 1981...
Arabela was a children's television series produced in Czechoslovakia which aired from 1979 to 1981. The series has 13 episodes and is in the Czech language.
Main Actors:
Vladimír Mensík, Stella Zázvorková, Jirí Lábus, Alena Karesová
Nowadays an almost legendary Czech TV series very successfully mixing two worlds: the world of ours and the world of fairy tales. Princess Arabela, the daughter of the Fairy King escapes before the revenge of a cunning and conceitful magician Rumburak and leaves the world of fairy tales. She meets Petr Majer in the world of ours and falls in love with him. Spells, a magic ring, the bowl of seeing, a flying suitcase and magic things play a very important role in the series.