Baby Blues
– Baby Blues is an animated television series based on the Baby Blues comic strip. The first eight epi..
Baby Blues is an animated television series based on the Baby Blues comic strip. The first eight episodes of Baby Blues originally aired in the United States on The WB from July 28, 2000 until August 24, 2000, before the series cancellation. Five then-unaired episodes were later aired on Adult Swim in 2002. Another season consisting of thirteen episodes has been produced, but were never aired or shown to the public in any format.
28 Jul 2000
This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Programs rated TV-PG may contain some material that parents or guardians may find inappropriate for younger children. Programs assigned a TV-PG rating may include some inappropriate language, very little sexual content, suggestive dialogue, and/or moderate violence.
A married couple living in a quiet neighborhood with not-so-quiet neighbors discover the joys and the pains (but mostly the pains) of raising a new-born girl in a not-so-perfect world. Darryl, the father, juggles family life with and a job that pays a modest salary while his wife, Wanda, stays at home and cares for their daughter Zoe, with help from their babysitter Bizzy who needs a turn-stile for the number of boys that she dates. Things aren't better when you're neighbors with the Bittermans, a family composed of a militant father named Carl who's always teaching his loud, obnoxious children, Rodney, Megan and Shelby, survival skills while his wife, Melinda, who seems to have an existential outlook on life. Case in point: it's "Rugrats" for the parents who were forced to watch it with their giddy kids.