Back Door to Hell
– During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistors..

During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistors, as they try to knock out a Japenese communication center.
01 Nov 1964
English, Japanese
In December, 1944, three US soldiers sneak ashore on Luzon to gather intelligence about Japanese troops in advance of the American armada. The three are to reconnoiter and report via their shortwave radio. Lieutenant Craig may not have the stomach for killing; Jersey is a cynical sergeant; Bartlett is the radio man who also speaks Japanese. They're soon in touch with guerrillas, led by Paco, a tough, skeptical school teacher. The Japanese learn the Americans are in the area and take school children hostage until the Filipinos find, arrest, and turn over the GIs. Can this tiny squad make allies, save the children, get and transmit the information, and live to tell the tale?