– Fed up with boarding school and frustrated with the way others have planned his life, John Baker Jr...
Fed up with boarding school and frustrated with the way others have planned his life, John Baker Jr. wants a change -- anything to shake up his staid routine. The moment arrives when he stumbles upon a woman, Patty Vare, unconscious in a field. Deciding to risk it, John takes her to his dorm to look after her, much to the disapproval of his friends. John's decision proves fateful as he and Patty grow close to one another. However, she may be keeping secrets from him.
10 May 1996
English, Spanish
Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Parents are urged to be cautious. Some material may be inappropriate for pre-teenagers.
Stacy Cochran
Stacy Cochran, James Salter (short story "Twenty Minutes")
Winona Ryder, Lukas Haas, John C. Reilly, James Le Gros
Patty Vare falls off a horse and is found unconscious by preparatory school student John Baker. He takes her to his dormitory. As he quickly discovers, she is hiding from something. For John this becomes a road to maturity and for Patty, it's a way back to love and tenderness.
Touchstone Pictures