By The Pricking of My Thumbs
– The Beresfords investigate mysterious deaths at an old people's home...

The Beresfords investigate mysterious deaths at an old people's home.
13 Apr 2005
French, English
Prudence and Belisaire are what can be called an eccentric couple. How can you bear such impossible Christian (?) names in the first place? There must be no other Belisaire in France ; as for Prudence there are few more imprudent ladies than she is ! Just imagine : Belisaire is both a colonel in the military secret service and a past master at ... ironing ! And Prudence, not very inclined to be the model mother, prefers playing the amateur detective. Unsurprisingly, when several pensioners of an old people's home start dying mysteriously, Prudence is only to happy to leave daughter, son-in-law and grandkids behind in her beautiful home to follow the trail of adventure.