Cafe Seoul
– Jun, a Japanese freelance reporter, discovers hidden gem of Korean traditional bakery "Moran-dang" b..

Jun, a Japanese freelance reporter, discovers hidden gem of Korean traditional bakery "Moran-dang" by chance in the middle of the city of Seoul, while covering stories of the city. Moran-dang takes him back to his memory of childhood and urges him to stay there for more stories. One day, Moran-dang is vandalized by construction villains in town who maliciously try to take the spot of the bakery and the owner and chef, Sang-Woo gets hands injured. When Moran-dang is in danger of closing, little brother Sang-Hyuk returns home after drifting apart. As Jun inspires Sang-Hyuk to restore his family tie and the secret recipes, Sang-Hyuk and Jun are connected in friendship to save Moran-dang.
18 Jul 2009
Korean, Japanese, English
Jun, a Japanese freelance reporter looking for the subject of his next article, stumbles across Moran-dang, a hidden gem of a Korean traditional confection bakery right in the middle of the city of Seoul, bringing back wistful memories of Jun's own childhood in his father's shop. When construction villains maliciously threaten to seize the bakery, injuring a hand of owner/chef Sang-woo so he can't work, Jun steps in to help. It's right then, with the shop in danger of closing, that younger brother Sang-Hyuk returns home after years of drifting away for a rock-n-roll career. As Jun inspires the brothers to rally, restore family ties and reaffirm their late father's recipes, Sang-Hyuk and Jun connect in friendship to save Moran-dang.