Call Me Francesco
– A biopic of the rise of father Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ from a teacher in a Jesuit High School in Ar..

A biopic of the rise of father Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ from a teacher in a Jesuit High School in Argentina to archbishop and cardinal of Buenos Aires to Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The story touches on his relation with his fellow Jesuits in Argentina and Europe, to his relation with laureate writer Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, and archbishops Laghi (nuncio to Argentina) and Quarracino (cardinal of Buenos Aires), up to the moment where he is elected Pope in 2013.
03 Dec 2015
Spanish, Italian
A biopic of the rise of father Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ from a teacher in a Jesuit High School in Argentina to archbishop and cardinal of Buenos Aires to Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The story touches on his relation with his fellow Jesuits in Argentina and Europe, to his relation with laureate writer Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, and archbishops Laghi (nuncio to Argentina) and Quarracino (cardinal of Buenos Aires), up to the moment where he is elected Pope in 2013.
1 win.