Christmas in South Park
– There's no better time of year than Christmas, especially in South Park. So, stop fighting with the ..

There's no better time of year than Christmas, especially in South Park. So, stop fighting with the family, gather 'round the fire and watch these classic South Park episodes. Join in as the citizens of South Park sing many of everyone's favorite holiday classics like, "Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo" and "Christmas Time in Hell". See the boys bring Christmas to Iraq and learn how hard it is to be a Jew during this holiday season. Christmas is a time when we all can put aside our differences and agree on what the holidays are really about: presents!
This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17 years old. It contains content that is unsuitable for children.
Howdy Ho! Mr. Hankey, everybody's favorite piece of poo, is here to show us his line up of holly jolly Christmas songs! There's S.D. Kluger singing the Mr. Hankey theme, then we've got Mr. Mackey singing Carol of the Bells, Eric Cartman singing "O Holy Night", Jesus Christ and Santa Claus singing a medley of Christmas jingles, and even Mr. Garrison wishes all the religions of the world a Merry Christmas! It really is a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Krazy Kwanza, and all the rest!