Closer to The Sun
– A New York insurance company sends in a team of high levels investigators to assess a claim related ..

A New York insurance company sends in a team of high levels investigators to assess a claim related to the accidental death of six workers on an oil platform off the coast of Nigeria. As the investigation unfolds it becomes clear that the dead men were in fact taken hostage by terrorists and slaughtered. In normal circumstances the huge claim would just be refused. But these aren't normal circumstances; the insurance company has walked into a political and economic minefield. Denial would place them at odds with Nigeria and the rest of Africa. Multi-national companies working in the region would be severely punished. There could only be one solution: pay up. Keep silent and pretend. The chief investigator is left hopelessly compromised.
31 Dec 2015
Four investigators are assembled by an insurance company in New York to examine a claim for accidental death of six oil workers on an oil platform, off the coast of Nigeria. The team has 24 hours to investigate the claim. It slowly transpires that it wasn't accidental death but that the oil workers have been taken hostage by local terrorists, a common occurrence that often goes without victims and in this case six men had died. How to approve the claim when there are so many overwhelming evidences against it? The trouble is for a reputable international insurance company dismissing such a claim would place them at odds with the real problems in the country, place them on the spot as an unlikely human right witness and will compromise a whole system with ramifications to powerful Western governments and multinational companies. They have accidentally walked into highly dangerous grounds and the only way forward is to honor the claim. The investigators are not happy about the final outcome, but a decision is being made to honor the claim.