Dennis The Menace
– This movie puts Henk Ketcham's comic figure 'Dennis' into real life: While digging in his front gard..
This movie puts Henk Ketcham's comic figure 'Dennis' into real life: While digging in his front garden, Dennis finds a big bone. To prove it's from a dinosaur, he persuades his father to invite an old buddy of him, Bowen Skyler III, who's a famous 'dinosaur hunter'. Being desperate for publicity, Skyler informs press and television... and starts a paleontologic dig in their front garden.
11 Sep 1987
All ages admitted. Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children.
This movie puts Henk Ketcham's comic figure 'Dennis' into real life: While digging in his front garden, Dennis finds a big bone. To prove it's from a dinosaur, he persudades his father to invite an old buddy of him, Bowen Skyler III, who's a famous 'dinosaur hunter'. Being desperate for publicity, Skyler informs press and television... and starts a paleontologic dig in their front garden!