Driven Underground
– Single mother Sarah Palmer hides her family in Oregon when her daughter Christy becomes a key witnes..

04 Sep 2015
This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Programs rated TV-14 contains material that parents or adult guardians may find unsuitable for children under the age of 14. The FCC warns that "Parents are cautioned to exercise some care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended." Programs with this rating contain crude humor, drug/alcohol use, inappropriate language, strong violence (may include some amounts of blood and gore), and moderate suggestive themes or dialogue.
Out for a run in the woods by herself, sixteen year old Christy Palmer witnesses what is a contract killing, she getting a clear look of the executioner. With the help of a passerby, Christy is able to get away and report what she saw to the police. The murder investigation, led by Homicide Detectives West and Boyce, leads, with Christy's identification, to the apprehension of the killer, Karl Harvey, a known drug kingpin. Despite not handling what she witnessed as well as she says, Christy wants to do whatever she can to help put Harvey away, including testifying at his trial. Christy's mother, insurance company regional manager Sarah Palmer, isn't as sure about letting Christy testify, Sarah's primary concern being Christy's safety. Sarah's concerns seem to be well founded as as much as West and Boyce try to assure Sarah that they can protect her and Christy, Harvey, with the help of unknown outside associates, seem to be able to thwart the police protection measures to make attempts to harm or kill Sarah and Christy. As such, Sarah decides, against Christy's wants, for the two of them to go on the run without telling West or Boyce, only getting initial help from Sarah's best friend, Molly Sanders, for some cash and her car, as Sarah and Christy have to live as much off the grid as possible, which means no payment by plastic or use of electronics. Sarah also cannot tell anyone, including Molly, where they are going to protect them from Harvey. However, Harvey has some help from one of Sarah's trusted contacts, Sarah unaware of that person's connection to the man who is trying to kill her and her daughter.