Filthy Rich & Catflap
– BBC sitcom starring former The Young Ones stars Nigel Planer, Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson as its..

BBC sitcom starring former The Young Ones stars Nigel Planer, Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson as its three title characters respectively. It was written by Ben Elton with additional material credited to Mayall. One series of six half-hour episodes was produced (although the notion of a second series is played upon in the final episode, and the continuity announcer on the last installment says "...and Filthy, Rich and Catflap will return next year." They didn't.)
07 Jan 1987
Richie (Rik Mayall) is a former actor who has only one ambition - to be famous. He believes that everyone knows who he is and often has a paranoid feeling that people are out to get him. He lives with his minder Edward (Ade Edmondson), a drunk. His agent Ralph Filthy (Nigel Planner) is not very good at his job and apart from being an agent, he is involved in some rather shady businesses. This series follows Richie's pathetic attempts to reach stardom. He stops at nothing to reach his goal, he even contemplates killing his own father. Fourth wall breaking happens very often. Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry make an appearance in one episode, as well as young Chris Barrie.