Francis of Assisi
– The story of a lusty, fighting young adventurer who exchanged his sword for a cross..

Release Date:
12 Jul 1961
MPAA Content-Rating:
Directed by:
Story Written By:
Main Actors:
Francis Bernardone (Bradford Dillman) is the son of a wealthy cloth merchant in Assisi, who gives up all his worldly goods to dedicate himself to God. Clare (Dolores Hart) is a young aristocratic woman who, according to the film, is so taken with St. Francis that she leaves her family and becomes a nun. By this time (1212 A.D.), St. Francis has a well-established reputation for his vows of poverty. The movie goes on to note miracles (such as the appearance of the stigmata on Francis's hands and feet) and other aspects of his life, up to and including his death on October 3, 1226.
Production Company: