Game Over
– Game Over is an American computer-animated television series created by David Sacks, produced by Car..

Game Over is an American computer-animated television series created by David Sacks, produced by Carsey-Werner Productions, and broadcast on UPN in 2004. It was canceled due to low ratings.
Game Over focused on what happens to video game characters after the game ends. The show is based around the Smashenburns, a far-from-ordinary suburban family that lives in an alternate video game universe.
The show made numerous references to video games and even featured certain game characters as cameos. For example, Crash Bandicoot appears on a Got Milk? billboard whilst creatures from Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee appear in one of the episodes.
Marisa Tomei voiced the character of Raquel Smashenburn in the show's unaired pilot episode, but scheduling problems saw Lucy Liu take over the role for the actual series.
Game Over was heavily hyped by UPN before its debut. Some were skeptical of Game Over due to UPN's track record with their cartoons, but the show generally received positive press upon its airing. Despite this, only six episodes were made, which aired on a variety of different days – the fourth and fifth episodes were broadcast on April 2, 2004, and the sixth episode was not aired.
10 Mar 2004
As video game characters, Rip and Raquel Smashenburn face many challenges. Racecar driving (i.e. wrecking) and monster vanquishing are difficult enough, yet neither vocation compares to the struggles of raising two kids. 14-year-old Alice is discovering a new level of social conscience, while 13-year-old Billy hopes to develop social standing via an over-the-top hip-hop persona. Turbo is the Smashenburns' nondescript, 300-pound "pet," but obedience isn't one of his traits. And because no neighborhood would be complete without a family of Kung Fu fighting Shaolin Monks, the Changs live next door.
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