Get Smart
– Get Smart is a short-lived American comedy television series that aired in 1995 on FOX. The series w..
Get Smart is a short-lived American comedy television series that aired in 1995 on FOX. The series was a sequel to the original Get Smart television series that ran from 1965 to 1970. The series premiered on January 8, 1995 and ended its original run on February 19, 1995.
Release Date:
08 Jan 1995
Story Written By:
Main Actors:
Don Adams and Barbara Feldon reprise their roles as Maxwell Smart and Agent 99, but this time they have a little help from their son and newly-minted spy, Zach, and his brilliant, sexy partner Agent 66. Max is now the Chief of Control and 99 is now a Congresswoman in charge of Control's budget. Together, they must struggle to keep arch-rival KAOS from gaining world domination.