Heathcliff: The Movie
– One rainy day, Heathcliff babysits and recounts old stories while his nephews are relucatantly force..
17 Jan 1986
All ages admitted. Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children.
Bruno Bianchi
George Gately (created by: Heathcliff), Jean Chalopin (created by: Cats & Co.), Bruno Bianchi (created by: Cats & Co.), Jean Chalopin (developed by), Alan Swayze (developer), Chuck Lorre (developer), Alan Swayze (head writer), Doug Booth, Ann Elder, Larry Parr, Cynthia Chenault
Mel Blanc, Donna Christie, Peter Cullen, Jeannie Elias
On a rainy day as Uncle Heathcliff is forced to babysit his nephews, and spends the time recounting his adventures, he meets a cat who looks just like him, one where he winds up working for a mob boss, one where his dad gets released from prison but he thinks he escaped, one where he actually tries to be good, and a few others. In one tale, Heathcliff's pop gets parole, although Heathcliff thinks he's escaped; in another, Heathcliff's "good angel" conscience makes a short-lived appeal to his saintly side. Nostalgia reigns as the tabby holy terror plays various roles of television star, wrestling champ, and neighborhood bully.
DIC Entertainment