I-4: Loafing And Camouflage
– I-4: Loafing and Camouflage or I-4: Loafing and Exemption is a 2008 Greek comedy film directed by Va..

I-4: Loafing and Camouflage or I-4: Loafing and Exemption is a 2008 Greek comedy film directed by Vassilis Katsikis. The film was one of the highest-grossing Greek films of its release year.
Five I4 soldiers serve in the army as auxiliaries in a unit supporting commando troops during military training. Due to all the chores and the pack drills, the soldiers will be forced to face the stiff necked commandos. The company will find itself on a secluded Aegean island with ordered service: They must join the squatters preparing for a great exercise...
27 Apr 2008
Five I4 soldiers serve in the army as auxiliaries in a unit supporting commando troops during military training. Due to all the chores and the pack drills, the soldiers will be forced to face the stiff necked commandos. This conflict will take place in a frontier Aegean island and it will mess everybody's (locals' and "foreign" enemies') lives up.