– In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was..

In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was on vacation with her mother and stepfather in Germany. Convinced that Kalinka’s death was not an accident, Bamberski begins to investigate. A botched autopsy report raises his suspicions and leads him to accuse Kalinka’s stepfather, Dr Dieter Krombach, as the murderer.
Unable to indict Krombach in Germany, Bamberski attempts to take the trial to France, where he will dedicate his life to Kalinka’s justice and the imprisonment of Krombach.
16 Mar 2016
French, German, English
Based on a true story, KALINKA is about the struggle of Andre Bamberski to bring justice to his daughter Kalinka who died in disturbing circumstances. After 27 years of investigation to hunt down his presumed murderer, Bamberski will finally get the killer kidnapped and brought to justice.