Keyed: A Deadly Game of Sex/Lies/Betrayal
– Three lives are intricately linked during a New Years Eve “Key Party” for Swingers: A young newl..

Three lives are intricately linked during a New Years Eve “Key Party” for Swingers: A young newlywed is forced into an open relationship by her star-athlete husband and best friend an ill-fated club owner reunites with old friends to realize the bond they once shared is in jeopardy and a loving father has to reconcile his relationship with his estranged brother to save the life of his daughter.
22 Aug 2014
Three lives are intricately linked during a New Years Eve "Key Party" for Swingers: A young newlywed is forced into an open relationship by her star-athlete husband and best friend; an ill-fated club owner reunites with old friends to realize the bond they once shared is in jeopardy; and a loving father has to reconcile his relationship with his estranged brother to save the life of his daughter. Key Parties originated in the 70's and are parties attended by swinging couples, in which male attendees would place their keys into a common bowl. At the end of the night the women would randomly select keys from the bowl and sleep with the key's owner.