– The film tells the story of a futuristic inhabited planet that has seemingly perfected a system of j..
The film tells the story of a futuristic inhabited planet that has seemingly perfected a system of justice and imprisonment, called “Lamination”. Individuals convicted of serious crimes are encased in laminated suits, which results in virtual slavery. The criminals are referred to as “LaMBs”. The protagonists struggle with the political and ethical system of laminated imprisonment, leading to the eventual development of a romantic relationship between a free citizen and a LaMB. LaMB is an animated film produced by Animax. The film has been developed into four different episodes for Mobile and PSP users.
24 Mar 2009
English, Mandarin, Hindi, Cantonese, Japanese
Ryosuke Tei, Thomas Chou
Carmelo S.J. Juinio
Vanness Wu, Josie Ho, Chie Tanaka, Alison Lester