Legend of The Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
– Based on a series of sci-fi novels, this series tells the story of a massive conflict between the Pr..

Based on a series of sci-fi novels, this series tells the story of a massive conflict between the Prussia-like Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. It describes all levels of the war, from the tactical to the strategic, but focuses most on the two oppposing militaries' leaders - Reinhard Von Lohengram and Yang Wen-Li.
Story Timeline:
Producing Country:
Editor's Pick for:
Release Date:
18 Dec 1993
Directed by:
Main Actors:
The recently ennobled Reinhard Von Lohengramm who on suspicion of imperial favouritism and nepotism is facing resistance from his peers, and Yang Wen-Li the unwilling hero of the opposite faction, must prove their worth in the Battle of Astate...