One Way Ticket to The Moon
– The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the str..

The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the streets became saturator, transistors pulsed rock'n'roll, and the fondest dream of every fan of the domestic automotive industry was the Fiat 125p. Film trip to the sixties, colorful era "flower children", hippies and bigbitu. Year 1969. Fascinating in aviation Adam is called to the army. However, much to his own chagrin, she gets an assignment to serve in the ... Navy. In Antek, older brother, embark on the sea. During several days of traveling through Poland to visit old friends and make new friends. Antek - incorrigible womanizer and the king of nightclubs - wants to prepare a shy brother to life. However, the meeting with a beautiful and mysterious woman calls a lot of complications in the life of Adam, initiating a series of surprising events.
08 Nov 2013
In the late 1960s, Adam is drafted into the Polish army and sent to serve in the submarine section of the Navy. Along with his older brother Antoni, Adam sets off for the military base in faraway Swinoujscie on the Polish coast. Their journey across Poland lasts several days and allows them for visiting old friends as well as making new ones. Antoni's plan is to make sure that the trip prepares his brother for the harsh life in the army (including losing his virginity) to avoid becoming the laughing stock of the unit.
1 nomination.