– Phyllis is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 8, 1975 to March 13, 1977...
Phyllis is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 8, 1975 to March 13, 1977.
Created by Ed Weinberger and Stan Daniels. it was the second spin-off series from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The show starred Cloris Leachman as Phyllis Lindstrom, who was previously Mary Richards' landlady on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. In the new series, Phyllis and her daughter Bess Lindstrom moved from Minneapolis to San Francisco, after the death of her husband, Dr. Lars Lindstrom. It was revealed that San Francisco was Phyllis and Lars' original hometown, prior to their moving to Minneapolis, and that his mother and stepfather still resided there.
08 Sep 1975
Stan Daniels, Ed. Weinberger
Cloris Leachman, Henry Jones, Jane Rose, Carmine Caridi
Spinoff from the popular "Mary Tyler Moore" series has Mary Richards' landlady, Phyllis Lindstrom, moving back to her hometown of San Francisco with her teenage daughter Bess following the sudden death of Phyllis' (heard of, but never seen) husband, Lars, to make a new life for herself and her daughter by moving in with Lars' scatterbrained mother, Audrey; and Audrey's second husband, Judge Dexter; and getting a new job as an assistant to Julie Erskine, the CEO of a photography studio.
Won 1 Golden Globe. Another 2 nominations.