– A coming of age story about love, loss and revenge centers around two teenage friends, Adam (Vladim..
A coming of age story about love, loss and revenge centers around two teenage friends, Adam (Vladimír Polívka) and Marek (Jan Cina), whose aimless lives in a small town are suddenly disrupted by the appearance of Anna (Johana Matousková), the troubled daughter of a rich and influential local businessman. Initially her free spirit energizes Adam but soon he finds himself thrown into a spiraling chain of events. His innocence is about to be abruptly replaced with the adult emotions of guilt, fear and revenge.
11 Sep 2014
Radim Spacek
Ondrej Stindl (screenplay)
Vladimír Polívka, Jan Cina, Johana Matousková, Jirí Strébl
A coming of age story about love, loss and revenge centers around two teenage friends, Adam (Vladimír Polívka) and Marek (Jan Cina), whose aimless lives in a small town are suddenly disrupted by the appearance of Anna (Johana Matousková), the troubled daughter of a rich and influential local businessman. Initially her free spirit energizes Adam but soon he finds himself thrown into a spiraling chain of events. His innocence is about to be abruptly replaced with the adult emotions of guilt, fear and revenge.