Rabbids Invasion
– The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. ..

Release Date:
01 Aug 2013
MPAA Content-Rating:
TV-Y7 – For Children Age 7 and Above
This program is designed for children age 7 and above. Programs rated TV-Y7 are designed for children age 7 and older. The FCC states that it "may be more appropriate for children who have acquired the developmental skills needed to distinguish between make-believe and reality." Programs given the "FV" content descriptor exhibit more 'fantasy violence' and are generally more intense or combative than other programs rated TV-Y7.
Main Actors:
The Rabbids from Ubisoft's "Raving Rabbids" video game series star in their own television series. They explore Earth and discover new things.