– Established in 1884, Redbridge Rovers F.C. are one of the oldest club's in England - and one of the ..

Founded in 1884, Redbridge Rovers Football Club are one of the oldest football club's in the English football system. This amateur team are currently sitting second from bottom of the local league, playing in front of crowds that average 27 people at their Spartan ground that is located two miles down a dirt track next to the local rubbish dump. Despite this they (like all sports teams) have their own collection of fans who turn out week in, week out to watch them play, meet their friends and discuss the latest defeat over a beer and a packet of pork scratchings in the social club bar. Running the place is matriarchal, hardworking but loose-lipped Doreen - whose meat raffles are legendary and have kept the punters coming through the doors for all these years. Obsessive fan Pete Mott is like a walking, talking almanac of facts, figures and statistics relating to his beloved team. Pete regularly meets his friend Tel at the club, but Tel has surprised him by coming out as gay and has now started bringing his new boyfriend Mel to the matches while Pete's young lodger, Tom, only has eyes for the new barmaid Sam.