She-Ra: Princess of Power

– She-Ra, He-Man's twin sister, is leading a group of freedom fighters known as the Great Rebellion in..

6.80 / 10
22 Minutes
Release Year:
She-Ra: Princess of Power
She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985)

She-Ra, He-Man's twin sister, is leading a group of freedom fighters known as the Great Rebellion in the hope of freeing their homeworld of Etheria from the tyrannical rule of Hordak and the Evil Horde.

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She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985) - Trailer

Release Date:

09 Sep 1985



MPAA Content-Rating:
TV-Y7 – For Children Age 7 and Above

This program is designed for children age 7 and above. Programs rated TV-Y7 are designed for children age 7 and older. The FCC states that it "may be more appropriate for children who have acquired the developmental skills needed to distinguish between make-believe and reality." Programs given the "FV" content descriptor exhibit more 'fantasy violence' and are generally more intense or combative than other programs rated TV-Y7.


The kidnapped daughter of Queen Marlena and King Randor of Eternia (characters from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe), Princess Adora grew up on Etheria. There, she lead an evil army until the day her long-lost twin brother, Prince Adam (He-Man), came to tell her who she really was. As her alter ego, She-Ra, the princess protects Etheria by fighting the forces she once worked for.

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