Some of My Best Friends Are
– It's Christmas Eve 1971 in Manhattan's Greenwich Village and the regulars of the local gay bar "The ..
It's Christmas Eve 1971 in Manhattan's Greenwich Village and the regulars of the local gay bar "The Blue Jay" are celebrating. Not much has changed since Stonewall and its not all "Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men" but the times are a changin.
27 Oct 1971
Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them.
Mervyn Nelson
Mervyn Nelson
Tom Bade, James Murdock, Paul Blake, Gary Campbell
It's Christmas Eve 1971 in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, and the regulars of the local gay bar "The Blue Jay" are celebrating. Not much has changed since the Stonewall riots, and while the situation is not yet "peace on Earth, good will toward men," the times they are a-changin'.
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