Strawberry Shortcake
– Strawberry and her friends, including her sister, Apple Dumplin', and her pony, Honey Pie, embark on..

Strawberry and her friends, including her sister, Apple Dumplin', and her pony, Honey Pie, embark on sweet-smelling adventures in Strawberryland.
Producing Country:
Editor's Pick for:
Release Date:
11 Mar 2003
MPAA Content-Rating:
TV-Y – For Very Young Audience
This program is designed to be appropriate for all children. Programs rated TV-Y are designed to be appropriate for children of all ages. The thematic elements portrayed in programs with this rating are specifically designed for a very young audience, including children of all ages.
Main Actors:
A girl named Strawberry Shortcake, along with her cat Custard and dog Pupcake, has adventures in friendship in Strawberryland.