Tattooed Flower Vase
– Naomi Tani is as good as ever but the other two protagonists are equally effective and for once the ..
Naomi Tani is as good as ever but the other two protagonists are equally effective and for once the male lead is not some cringing bastard. Quite breathtaking sequences of consensual and non consensual sexual activity and most effective use of colour shape and form with flashbacks but always keeping the eventful tale moving forward.
25 Sep 1976
Ms. Yoshino - respectable lady and attractive widow leads a quiet peaceful life with his teenage daughter Takako . However, their life changes radically when fate confronts both with Hideo - young attractive guy truly romantic nature . Spending time with Takako , he nevertheless feels more attracted to her mother , and this momentum is mutual - he brings up Lady Yoshino ecstatic frenzy, because appearance is reminiscent of his late father - kabuki actors , with whom he had a long affair at last .