The Big Gundown
– Unofficial lawman John Corbett hunts down Cuchillo Sanchez, a Mexican peasant accused of raping and ..

Unofficial lawman John Corbett hunts down Cuchillo Sanchez, a Mexican peasant accused of raping and killing a 12-year-old girl.
Story Timeline:
Filming Locations:
Editor's Pick for:
Release Date:
29 Nov 1966
MPAA Content-Rating:
Directed by:
Story Written By:
Main Actors:
Jonathan Corbett is a gunman so brave to have eliminated all the bandits of Texas. For this he is proposed for the candidacy to the Senate of the United States. In exchange he has only to support the construction of one railway line. Only after he accepts does he come to know that the Mexican Cuchillo has raped and killed a 12 year old girl. Corbett leaves on a long manhunt during which he gets to know his adversary better and discovers a variation on the crime for which the accused Cuchillo may not be as guilty as he first thought.
Production Company: