The Deluge
– Following With Fire and Sword', this is an adaptation of the second and most spectacular part of Sie..

Following With Fire and Sword', this is an adaptation of the second and most spectacular part of Sienkiewicz's trilogy of warfare, romance, and derring-do. With war raging across Europe in the 17th century, a dashing warrior fights for the heart of a young gentlewoman. With almost four hundred actors, thousands of extras and twenty three thousand costumes, this is one of the most popular films in Polish cineman and received an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Feature.
14 May 1975
During the 1655 war between Protestant Sweden and Catholic Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth some Polish-Lithuanian nobles side with Swedish king Charles X Gustav while others side with the Polish king Jan Kazimierz. Polish colonels Andrzej Kmicic and Michal Wolodyjowski turn from foes to friends and together they fight against traitors, renegade Polish nobles and Swedish invaders.
Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 3 wins.