The Sopranos
– The Sopranos is an American television drama created by David Chase. The series revolves around the ..
The Sopranos is an American television drama created by David Chase. The series revolves around the New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.
10 Jan 1999
English, Italian, Russian
This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17 years old. It contains content that is unsuitable for children.
David Chase
James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli
An innovative look at the life of fictional Mafia Capo Tony Soprano, this serial is presented largely first person, but additional perspective is conveyed by the intimate conversations Tony has with his psychotherapist. We see Tony at work, at home, and in therapy. Moments of black comedy intersperse this aggressive, adult drama, with adult language, and extreme violence.
Won 5 Golden Globes. Another 113 wins & 301 nominations.