They Come Back
– A psychologist's 10-year-old patient claims she's being menaced by unseen forces after her parents w..

A psychologist's 10-year-old patient claims she's being menaced by unseen forces after her parents were killed in a car accident. What's more bizarre? The psychologist has seen these symptoms before, in a former patient who mysteriously disappeared. And the shrink worries that if she can't unravel the workings of the 10-year-old's psyche (and soon!), this little girl is destined for the same unknown fate.
Story Timeline:
Release Date:
03 Mar 2007
Directed by:
Story Written By:
Main Actors:
A psychologist reluctantly takes on a child patient whose parents died when the three of them were in a car accident. The girl has become somewhat disassociated, and the question becomes whether she's just "off" or if she's actually being haunted by a ghost.
1 nomination.
Production Company: