Tomie: Replay

– A young girl is hospitalized. When an ultrasound examination reveals that something is moving inside..

5.50 / 10
One Hour and 35 Minutes
Release Year:
Original Name:
富江 replay
Tomie: Replay
Tomie: Replay (2000) - Also known as 富江 replay

A young girl is hospitalized. When an ultrasound examination reveals that something is moving inside her, a surgeon operates. The surprised surgical staff find themselves face-to-face with--not a baby--the disembodied head of a beautiful girl. Her name is Tomie, and she is in the process of regenerating herself. Though you may try, Tomie cannot be killed. She will return to seduce and to kill. Infected with Tomie's blood, the surgeon disappears, leaving his daughter, Yumi, to try to discover Tomie's identity and to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.

Producing Country:
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Release Date:

11 Feb 2000



Directed by:
Story Written By:

A young girl looking through her father's notes finds something written about the last experiment he worked on before he went insane. Everything in his notebook looks ordinary until near the last page, at which point his handwriting deteriorates and the name "Tomie" is mentioned several times. From that point forward his notes are written in what looks like blood. At the same time, another young girl escapes from a hospital. Who is she, and what does she have planned?

Production Company:
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