– The City is under corporate siege. A result of crony capitalism run-a-muck. An environmental Fallout..

The City is under corporate siege. A result of crony capitalism run-a-muck. An environmental Fallout, caused by the Company's reckless practices, poisoned the water supply and left the poorest citizens to experience slow and agonising deaths. To maintain order, the Mayor employed a private military to secure the borders. No one enters. No one leaves. On the other hand, the City's wealthiest elite may depart and return when necessary. Through a complex database of the tightest security, they carry Letters of Transit, allowing free passage to seek medical or financial help. Though, a black market has spawned in the Underground. Detlef Dos Santos, a crime boss, now provides a dubious route of escape for the City's most vulnerable and desperate. On the odd occasion, his method of departure is used by non-compliant upper class citizens - millionaire conscientious objectors of the Company and the Mayor.
10 May 2017
Zoe MacGraw must help a former lover and his wife escape a contaminated City by guiding them through a vicious underground Basement, which leads to greener pastures.