Gary Sinyor - Director
6 Movies and TV Series

Bob The Butler
― Bob, an incompetent man, is searching for an available job by alphabetical order. He had just failed..

Stiff Upper Lips
― Stiff Upper Lips is a broad parody of British period films, especially the lavish Merchant-Ivory pro..

Solitaire For 2
― Katie can read minds. Being desirable, the male minds she reads are all thinking of one thing. She a..

The Unseen
― Gemma and Will are shattered when their son dies in an accident. Gemma blames herself and starts to ..

The Bachelor
― The story of a thirties bank employee whose wife becomes a luxury prostitute. The same would happen ..

Leon The Pig Farmer
― An irreverent comedy is set in motion when Leon Geller, a sensitive Jewish boy from London, accident..