– The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his frien..
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other.
02 Sep 1996
This program is designed to be appropriate for all children. Programs rated TV-Y are designed to be appropriate for children of all ages. The thematic elements portrayed in programs with this rating are specifically designed for a very young audience, including children of all ages.
Bespectacled aardvark Arthur Read demonstrates to kids how to deal with such childhood traumas and challenges as homework, teachers and bullies. He also has to contend with his sisters, but loves playing with his friends: tomboy Francine, foodie and best pal Buster, super smart Brain, rich girl Muffy and geography expert Sue Ellen.
12 wins & 32 nominations.