The Land Before Time
– 1) The Star Day Celebration - Ruby misses her family on her "Star Day" (birthday) and the Gang tries..

1) The Star Day Celebration - Ruby misses her family on her "Star Day" (birthday) and the Gang tries to help cheer her up by being true friends and bringing Ruby her favorite food. 2) The Brave Longneck Scheme - Ali's herd returns to The Great Valley, and Littlefoot and Cera find out that Ali has a new friend, Rhett, who boasts about himself and claims Sharpteeth fear him. 3) The Great Log-Running Game - While trying to get a tree sweet, Ducky makes up a game called the "Log Running Game", and competes against the group in a competition on how long they can run on a log in the water. But when Cera tries to prove Threehorns are the best, she gets swept away. 4) The Bright Circle Celebration - Petrie is very excited about the Bright Circle Celebration. But Cera thinks it’s silly to thank the Bright Circle for shining. Cera and her dad steer clear of everyone preparing for the festivities. But when a fire threatens to destroy the celebration, Cera and her dad try to help out.
05 Mar 2007
The adventures of the gang of 7