Sergey Solovev - Writer
8 Movies and TV Series

― ASSA is set in Crimea during the winter in the mid eighties. A young musician (Bananan) falls for mo..

Tender Age
― A movie which at first seems like a simple life story of an ordinary young man slowly evolves into a..

One Hundred Days After Childhood
― A group of Russian teenagers spend their summer at a summer camp. Mitia falls in love and gets so oc..

House Under a Starry Sky
― Old scientist Bashkirtsev is very surprised to discover the possible contacts with other world.....

Wild Pigeon
― In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the ..

Melodies of a White Night
― A Russian composer and Japanese pianist enter a relationship strained by their geographic and cultur..

The Black Monk
― Man who talks with a ghost called Black Monk is forced to see a doctor. After the treatment, he lose..

The Chosen Ones
― A man wants to flee wartime Germany and the detested Nazis to Columbia, where his brother lives. In ..