Zeno Schmidt
Associate editor

Denmark Builds An Artificial Island To Produce Green Energy
― Denmark has approved a plan to build an renewable energy Island in North Sea

Did SpaceX Already Retire Falcon Heavy?
― Why we haven't seen very many Falcon heavy launches?

Superconduction in Room Temperature
― Such electrical Super-conductor will definitely change the world as we know it..

What Happens if You Fell Into a Black Hole?
― If you were travelling feet first into a black hole, the gravity be so strong you would literally be 'spaghettified', and you would be ...

LFP: The Technological Advancement Needed Most
― The missing link in the transformation of the global energy system...

Why Is Solar Cell Efficiency So Low
― Solar Panel Silicon Cells Are Not Very Efficient. The semiconductors that convert sunlight into electrical energy are seen as ...

Is Nikola The Next Tesla?
― Tesla has similar aspirations but Nikola has the upper hand on Tesla in one respect..

Saturn Moon Enceladus' Buried Ocean Has a Favorable Environment For Life
― The Geysers "firing plumes of vapors into Space" used to mislead NASA scientists!

Tesla's Energy Storage Dilemma
― How Tesla managed to drastically reduce the cost of battery cells and packages to $100 per kilowatt hour

Is 5G Networks Hazardous?
― Should we worry about the health risks of 5G technology?

Radioactive Dust With Supernova Origin Discovered in Antarctica
― The space dust fell into Earth in less than 20 years ago

Renewable Energy Suitable For Ships
― The driving force of transportation has changed dramatically, to the renewable energy of sails from the dominance of heavy fuel oil and marine diesel.

US Launches Cyberattack on Missile System And Iran Spy Network
― A new Stuxnet could emerge while tensions are high between the US and Iran

Modified Common Cold Virus Can Help Cure Cancer
― Even an annoying thing like a cold can be very useful.

Why Plants Are Immune to Cancer And Atomic Radiation
― The plant life of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone seems to have not only survived, but flourished!

Researchers Eliminated HIV in Mice Using CRISPR Treatments
― This could lead us to finding cure for HIV in humans.

Mysterious Repeated Radio Signals Detected From Deep Space
― The origin of fast radio bursts are one of the universe's biggest mysteries

NASA's Orion Spacecraft's Launch Abort System Test Was Successful
― Astronauts can safely get away from their launch vehicle in the case of an emergency after liftoff.

LightSail 2 Just Contacted Earth: Time to Go Sailing
― Now it's time to get it out of Prox-1

SpaceX Lost Connection With 3 Starlink Satellites
― They are going to de-orbit the failed satellites to burn up in the atmosphere.

Transforming Infrared Radiation Into Visible Light Is Now Possible
― It opens new doors in cancer treatment, solar power production, and many more industries

This Video-Game Vaccinates You Against Fake News
― You will have to start your own Propaganda Organization in this game!

SETI Found No Aliens in 1327 Nearby Stars
― SETI scientists couldn't find any signs of extraterrestrial intelligence of the nearest 1300+ stars.

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Passed a Crucial Parachute Test
― That was one of the last steps towards launching crewed missions and traveling to the Moon

EU Forces Electric Vehicles to Emit Artificial Engine Noises
― The new law will be effective starting from Monday, July 1st, 2019

Scientists Engineered Yeasts to Produce The Aroma of Roses
― A perfume that smells like roses but is made from yeasts!

Asteroid Day - What if An Asteroid Hits The Earth
― Do we have a plan to avoid our Extinction?

Electric Cars Becoming Your Shelter in Emergency Situations
― They can also be used as a power source for your home for several days.

Dragonfly - NASA's New Adventure on Titan
― Titan is not like any other place in our solar system, and Dragonfly is not like any other mission

Hackers Stole NASA's Confidential Data Using a Raspberry Pi
― With a $35 mini-computer, they stole 500MB data, including two files from the Mars Science Laboratory Mission

Google Street View Image of a House Reveals Car Accident Risks
― Public images of houses can represent ethnicity, religion and other sensitive data.

CERN Scientists Want to Build an Even Larger Hadron Collider
― The Largest Hadron Collider in the world is not Large enough!

NASA's SLS is Taking Humans Back Into The Moon
― SLS or Space Launch System will be the most powerful rocket NASA ever built.

NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock Launched Successfully
― Deep Space Atomic Clocks is crucial for us to get to Mars

Edible Flowers And Their Health Benefits
― These flowers are not only edible and delicious but they also have unique health benefits

Libra, Facebook's New Cryptocurrency
― Supported by companies like MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal, Libra will enter the market next year.

Jeff Bezos to Help US Gov Create The Moon Base
― Amazon's owner thinking of a delivery service for the moon!

Tesla's Critical Challenge on Batteries
― Tesla needs a whole new battery manufacturing technology to avoid a crisis

Instagram Made it Easier to Reclaim Hacked Accounts
― Now you can even reclaim your account which was hacked before this feature was released

How Tesla's Self-driving Cars Work
― Tesla beats Google's Waymo by re-inventing autopilot with machine-learning

Payments With Facial Recognition Are Becoming Widespread In China
― China has a similar facial recognition system for its government surveillance network

NASA's Mars 2020 Rover Will Carry Your Name to Mars
― You can Submit your name to Mars for free!

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Successfully Shipped 24 Satellites to The Orbit
― The mission was first in its class and there was 50% chance of failure!

Why Elon Musk Decided to Start Starlink Project at SpaceX
― The money generated from Starlink will mean SpaceX will have vastly more funding than NASA.

Your Heartbeat is The New Biometric Identifier
― A laser technology is going to be used by the pentagon to identify people.